So once again, Immigration New Zealand’s policies boggle the mind. As some of you are no doubt aware, yesterday INZ released some much anticipated news around visa extensions for those who will be waiting on their 2021 Resident Visa applications to be decided. This announcement was met with much celebration but I strongly suggest that all applicants exercise caution around this.
In essence, INZ have announced that anybody who’s current visa will expire after their 2021RV application will be granted an interim visa with the same conditions for 12 months or less if their residency is granted before then. For most that sounds great, it means you are automatically granted a visa, don’t have to pay for it and you have certainty around being lawful in NZ.
For some this will be ideal, but for many of you this has a number of potential pitfalls for you:
- If you are on an interim visa you can’t apply for any other type of visa. So let’s say you’ve been waiting for 6 months for your residence visa to be assessed and you decide you want to go and study. You are unable to apply for a student visa.
- Interim visas can’t be varied, so if you want to change employers you can’t do a VOC or apply for a new visa. You are essentially stuck in your employment until your residence application is decided.
- If, for whatever reason, your 2021RV is declined, your interim visa will expire two months after that. Again, you can’t apply for a further visa so that means you have no choice but to leave NZ.
So again, this might be suitable for a number of you but I will surely be advising my client base to exercise caution around going onto an interim visa.